My First Selkie: The Dress of Rosy Dreams

The coveted Selkie Dress. The dress made of sugar plum dreams and went viral at the peak of the pandemic, having a choke hold on the It Girls and wanna-be’s of Instagram. (Let it be known that I, Vivian R. Tang, was a wanna-be.)

But during the second year of the pandemic, I have grown a lot in character and sense of self, and I no longer am a wanna-be. Likewise, I think it is very fitting that during the first week of 2022, I have finally purchased my first Selkie dress. Indeed, no longer a wanna-be because I have the item that I want. 💀

For my very first Selkie, I decided on the most popular style, the one that hit the Internet by a storm at the peak of 2021: The Selkie Puff.

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Autumn in New York

Why does it seem so inviting?

I’ve alway wanted to experience autumn in New York. Although I lived in Jersey for 4 years for university, I don’t remember spending fall in New York.

This fall, I flew from Texas to NYC just to fulfill this little dream of mine…. brought my two 10.5 months pups, mimi & momo, along with us. I haven’t been to New England since I’d graduated college, so this was also my first time being back since 5 years! Our first stop was Central Park…

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