My First Selkie: The Dress of Rosy Dreams

The coveted Selkie Dress. The dress made of sugar plum dreams and went viral at the peak of the pandemic, having a choke hold on the It Girls and wanna-be’s of Instagram. (Let it be known that I, Vivian R. Tang, was a wanna-be.)

But during the second year of the pandemic, I have grown a lot in character and sense of self, and I no longer am a wanna-be. Likewise, I think it is very fitting that during the first week of 2022, I have finally purchased my first Selkie dress. Indeed, no longer a wanna-be because I have the item that I want. 💀

For my very first Selkie, I decided on the most popular style, the one that hit the Internet by a storm at the peak of 2021: The Selkie Puff.

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Flourless Keto Chocolate Brownie Cake

Happy December 1st! The holiday season has officially begun. To me, that means turning on Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” and cranking up the over for some holiday baking.

These brownies are incredibly easy to make, and no one would suspect that they are keto, flourless, and sugar free. Perfect for your next holiday party. Get my recipe now.

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Autumn in New York

Why does it seem so inviting?

I’ve alway wanted to experience autumn in New York. Although I lived in Jersey for 4 years for university, I don’t remember spending fall in New York.

This fall, I flew from Texas to NYC just to fulfill this little dream of mine…. brought my two 10.5 months pups, mimi & momo, along with us. I haven’t been to New England since I’d graduated college, so this was also my first time being back since 5 years! Our first stop was Central Park…

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